My Internship learning Experience.. 

 Posted from

 I was allotted  unit :4 

Unit Duties

 OP Day

We saw patients in the op. 

1) As soon as the patient enters I checked for vitals. Asked about the chief complaints. Took a proper History. 

2) Did the general examination and systemic examination for the them

3. Few of them came for regular check up.

4.Advised investigations

5.Advised medication as per senior order..

Few of them  cases were admitted. 

I took responsibility for all the patients admitted in our unit. 

Checking out their vitals for them. 

Case 1)

Patient had very low Hb: 4 mg/dL

I did 2 prbc Transfuions. 



Icu duties:

I monitered vitals , took sambles and itit uu . #

I put rules and foleys for the patient. 

I assisted for pleural tap. 

Nephro duties. 

I assited for central lines 3 times. 

Did all the nephro ward patients monitoring. 

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